Protocols Princess Catherine Must Observe as a Royal

27 Aug 2024

Members of the British monarchy, including Princess Catherine, must adhere to strict and sometimes peculiar protocols. As the future Queen Consort, Catherine is bound by these long-standing traditions. The following explores the unique rules and expectations governing Princess Catherine's daily life as a key member of the British royal household.

The Queen's Curious Culinary Command

Among the King's many powers was a strange dining rule: when she finished eating, everyone else at the table had to stop too. This applied to all guests, including family members like Kate. Diners were required to keep a watchful eye on the King's plate.

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As her final bite signaled mealtime's end for all - whether she actively enforced this or not. This peculiar protocol was non-negotiable, no matter how odd it seemed. With King Charles now on the throne, it remains to be seen if this royal dining quirk will continue or be retired along with other outdated customs.

A Daily Ritual of Respect

In the British royal family, women follow a time-honored tradition of curtsying to the monarch - previously Queen Elizabeth II, now King Charles III - upon their first encounter each day. This includes Catherine (Kate), who must also curtsy to other royals who outrank her.

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Interestingly, Kate is expected to curtsy to princesses born into the royal family when Prince William isn't present, even if they're younger than her.  This practice underscores the complex hierarchy within the royal family, where bloodline can trump age or public status. This custom, deeply rooted in royal protocol, serves as a physical demonstration of respect.

The No-PDA Policy

Despite their marital bond, Catherine and Prince William are expected to maintain a reserved demeanor in public. The royal family adheres to a strict code discouraging public displays of affection (PDA). Intimate gestures such as kissing or embracing are considered inappropriate during official engagements.

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Kate is expected to maintain a respectful physical distance from her husband when in the public eye. This long-standing tradition aims to preserve the royal family's professional image and decorum during interactions with the public. The rule underscores the delicate balance royals must strike between their personal relationships and public roles.

The Apolitical Stance

As a member of the British royal family, Catherine is expected to maintain strict political neutrality. This long-standing tradition prohibits royals from expressing personal political views or opinions publicly. Despite Britain's status as a parliamentary democracy led by an elected Prime Minister, the royal family must remain above the political fray.

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In keeping with this custom, royal family members, including Kate, abstain from voting in elections. This self-imposed restriction helps preserve the monarchy's impartial image. While not enshrined in law, this practice is a fundamental expectation for all royals.

Monopoly is Banned

Certain board games, most notably Monopoly, are off-limits for royal family members. This prohibition stems from concerns about the game's potential to portray the royal family in an unfavorable light. While Kate may enjoy gaming, she must be selective in her choices, as Monopoly is not the only forbidden game.

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Before engaging in any recreational activity, Kate is expected to verify that it aligns with the family's guidelines. This practice reflects the broader expectation for royals to maintain a dignified public image and avoid activities that might be seen as inappropriate or potentially controversial.

Shellfish Not Allowed

The royal family adheres to a strict diet when dining out, avoiding shellfish and uncommon meats. During international travel, Kate and other royals follow specific dietary guidelines to prevent foodborne illness. This shellfish prohibition serves to shield family members from potential allergic responses and other health risks.

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While traveling, the royals must be safeguarded against any factors that could compromise their well-being. These precautions ensure the smooth continuation of royal duties and public appearances, maintaining the family's health and the stability of their official functions.

Garlic is Not Permitted

At Buckingham Palace, garlic is forbidden, and dishes with excessive onion are avoided. This ban stems from the late Queen's dislike of garlic, and her decree remains in effect. These royal food rules are inviolable, even after the Queen's passing.

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Another mandate dictates that all meat served in the palace must be thoroughly cooked. This "well-done" preference caters to those in positions of power. As a royal family member, Kate must navigate these strict dietary guidelines, adhering to both food selection and preparation protocols.

Napkin Etiquette

Royal are required to use napkins to remove any food remnants, protecting their attire from stains. The napkin should be folded in half after use, concealing any marks. This practice promotes cleanliness and maintains a tidy dining atmosphere. This napkin rule serves a practical purpose, ensuring the dining area remains spotless and presentable.

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It's a reasonable expectation that all royal family members adhere to this protocol, taking personal responsibility for maintaining a clean environment during meals. The etiquette reflects the high standards of presentation expected within royal circles, extending beyond mere appearances to foster a sense of respect for the dining experience and fellow diners.

Sequence for Entering a Room

The royal family adheres to a strict order of entry based on rank. This hierarchy dictates that Kate must walk behind her husband, Prince William, a rule that's consistently observed. Previously, all royal family members were required to follow behind Queen Elizabeth II during public events. Now, with the ascension of King Charles III, the same protocol applies to him at the forefront.

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This practice underscores the paramount importance of rank within the royal family. For Kate and other royals, this protocol is a constant reminder of the significance of precedence in their roles. It's an unwavering tradition that emphasizes the structured nature of royal appearances and the respect accorded to the monarch and heirs in line for the throne.

Inspect the Queen's Purse

The late Queen Elizabeth II employed a discreet system of signals using her purse to communicate with her staff. During royal dinners, attendees were expected to be mindful of the Queen's handbag placement. When she set her purse on the table, it served as a silent command to conclude the gathering.

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This subtle gesture prompted the Queen's assistants to begin wrapping up the event. The purse signal system exemplified the intricate, unspoken communication within royal protocols. Additionally, royal family members, including Kate, were bound by a bedtime etiquette rule. They were not permitted to retire for the night before the Queen.

Tea-Drinking Etiquette

The British are famous for their love of tea but it should be done properly. Kate and all royal family members must use their thumb and index finger to hold the top of the cup’s handle, with the middle finger supporting the bottom. When sipping tea, one should always drink from the same spot to avoid leaving lipstick marks on the cup.

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Additionally, it is considered proper to avoid making any noise while sipping. Stirring the tea should be done gently, moving the spoon back and forth without clinking it against the sides of the cup. Once done, the spoon should be placed on the saucer, not left in the cup.

Exit the Room with Dignity

When Kate needs to use the restroom, she should simply say, “Excuse me.” It is not appropriate to leave the dinner table and announce a visit to the toilet. Informing others of your need to relieve yourself is deemed impolite and unacceptable.

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In the royal family, leaving the room without excusing yourself is seen as a sign of disrespect. Instead, Kate should discreetly excuse herself when she needs to step away from the table in the company of other dignitaries. In formal settings, maintaining decorum is crucial. Kate should follow these guidelines to ensure she adheres to royal etiquette.

Guidelines for Walking

Royal women must maintain a straight face and keep their chins parallel to the ground while descending stairs or walking. When posing for photographs, this same posture is expected. A royal like Kate should refrain from looking down or sideways. Instead, she should only look slightly to the side.

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Looking down may imply inattentiveness to the surroundings and could be perceived as a breach of etiquette. In addition, maintaining this posture ensures that a royal appears composed and engaged, reflecting the dignity expected in formal settings.

The Birth of a Child

The Queen’s role or King's as the initial recipient of birth announcements underscores the importance of maintaining royal traditions and protocols. For Kate and William, this protocol ensured that the Queen (now the King) was kept fully informed before any public announcements or displays.

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This careful management of information preserves the privacy and sanctity of royal events. Any breach of this confidentiality not only disrupts the established order but can also lead to significant repercussions, reflecting the seriousness with which these rules are upheld.

Avoid Crossing Legs While Seated

Members of the royal family are not permitted to sit with their legs crossed, as this is against the rules. Instead, Kate and other royals should sit with their legs touching side-by-side, slightly tilted to the side, in a posture known as the “Duchess slant.” This position must be maintained by Kate and all new royal members.

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Additionally, when seated, the chin should remain parallel to the ground to uphold the proper decorum. New members of the royal family are trained to adopt these practices to align with the established traditions and expectations of royal etiquette.

Headwear Etiquette for Royal Ladies

Royal women, including Kate, are required to don hats at formal occasions, adhering to a tradition established in the 1950s. This practice is rooted in notions of propriety and respectability for royal ladies. The hat protocol extends until 6 PM, after which royal women may go bareheaded. For evening functions, Kate is permitted to appear without a hat.

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At official events, she has the option to wear a tiara instead. This headwear custom reflects the royal family's commitment to maintaining certain standards of dress and decorum. It distinguishes formal daytime events from evening affairs and underscores the symbolic importance of headwear in royal appearances.

Dining Pace Protocol

Within royal dining etiquette, Kate must regulate her eating speed regardless of her hunger level. A cardinal rule dictates that no one should consume their meal faster than the monarch. During Queen Elizabeth's reign, she set the pace for all royal family members at the dinner table.

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This practice underscored the monarch's central role in royal gatherings. Despite the passing of Queen Elizabeth, this dining protocol persists under King Charles III's reign. Kate, like other royal family members, is expected to continue adhering to this tradition.

Royal Social Media Policy

The royal family adheres to a strict policy regarding personal social media use. Kate, like other royal members, is prohibited from maintaining individual social media accounts. This rule applies uniformly across the royal family.

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Instead of personal profiles, Kate's online presence is channeled through the royal family's official accounts. These sanctioned platforms serve as the primary means of digital communication with the public. They provide a controlled and unified voice for royal affairs and updates.

Royal Beauty Standards

The royal family adheres to conservative beauty guidelines, particularly regarding nail care and makeup. Kate and other royal women are expected to maintain a natural, understated appearance. Colorful manicures are off-limits for royal members.

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The family's dress code specifically prohibits bold nail colors such as dark purple or red. Instead, royal women are limited to neutral nail shades that align with their overall subtle aesthetic. Similarly, heavy makeup is discouraged. The emphasis is on a clean, natural look rather than dramatic or artificial enhancements.

Public Behavior

Royal family members, including Kate, are bound by strict rules of public conduct. These guidelines emphasize professionalism and dignity in all public appearances. Public displays of affection between royal couples are discouraged.

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Kate is expected to maintain a formal demeanor when with her husband in public, avoiding overtly affectionate gestures. This rule underscores the professional nature of their public roles. In general, all royals must conduct themselves with decorum and restraint in public settings. This extends to their interactions with the public and their personal behavior.

Signature Policy for Royal Protection

To safeguard against potential security risks, Kate adheres to a strict no-autograph policy. This measure is in place to prevent her signature from being forged or exploited for nefarious purposes. The royal family's signatures are considered highly sensitive information, and their use is tightly controlled.

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Members of the royal family, including Kate, are only authorized to use their signatures on official royal correspondence and legal documents. These instances are carefully monitored and authenticated to maintain the integrity of their personal identifiers. The confidentiality of Kate's signature, along with those of other royal family members, is rigorously maintained.

Receiving Gifts

Strict rules govern how the royals may receive gifts. While they are often presented with gifts during engagements and visits, specific guidelines dictate what they can and cannot accept. Gifts that could reflect poorly on the royal family, including hospitality or services, are strictly prohibited.

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However, they are permitted to accept gifts from public bodies like charities or the armed forces. Smaller items, such as flowers, books, or any gift valued under £150, are also acceptable. Buckingham Palace keeps a record and publishes all gifts received by the royals.

Public Photography

Royal members are expected to follow strict follows when it comes to photography with the public. They are not allowed to pose for photos with individuals on a whim. To ensure both their dignity and safety, they must maintain an appropriate distance from the public during engagements. This distance helps to preserve the formality and decorum expected of their positions.

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While it’s common for people to request selfies or photographs, royals are encouraged to politely decline such requests. The reason is that their primary focus during public appearances is on meaningful engagement, rather than casual photo opportunities. They are there to interact, listen, and connect with the community in a manner befitting their roles.

Vocabulary to Follow

Certain words are off-limits within the royal palace. Royals are discouraged from using terms like “toilet,” “patio,” “pardon,” “living room,” “posh,” “perfume,” and “couch.” When Kate joined the royal family, she made a concerted effort to adapt her speech to align with these expectations.

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However, breaking long-standing habits, such as using slang or colloquial expressions, isn’t always easy. As a result, Kate must constantly be mindful of her words before speaking. This practice brings new meaning to the phrase "think before you speak".

Wearing Long Skirts

As a royal, Kate, like all royal ladies, is required to adhere to strict dress codes that emphasize modesty. This includes wearing long skirts and avoiding any attire that might expose other parts of the body. Her skirts must always be knee-length or longer, ensuring that she maintains a refined and modest appearance at all times.

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In the presence of the Queen or the King, wearing pantyhose is a must, further underscoring the importance of proper attire. Additionally, royal ladies are prohibited from wearing sleeveless tops, as the dress code demands a conservative approach to fashion. This adherence to tradition reflects the royal family's commitment to preserving their dignified image.

Dresses Should be Lightweight

To avoid any potential mishaps caused by the wind, Kate is required to wear dresses or skirts that are weighted down. As a royal lady, maintaining dignity in public is essential, and such measures ensure that she is not embarrassed by a gust of wind lifting her skirt.

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Kate’s dresses must be custom-made to perfectly suit her stature, with the added detail of weights sewn into the hem. This precaution not only preserves her elegance but also upholds the royal family's commitment to composure and grace in every situation.

No Solo Travel

Kate is never allowed to travel alone, regardless of the circumstances. Solo travel is strictly prohibited for members of the royal family. From the moment she became engaged to Prince William, Kate was assigned protection officers to ensure her safety.

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All royal family members are required to have security personnel with them at all times to guard against any potential threats. Whether attending a social event or simply moving about, Kate must always be accompanied by vigilant security details.

Hugging in Public is Prohibited

Hugging members of the public is strictly off-limits for royals. As part of maintaining the royal family’s esteemed image, Kate is not permitted to embrace individuals during public engagements. This rule is in place to ensure that the royal family’s status is not diminished by overly casual or familiar interactions.

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When meeting members of the public, Kate is encouraged to use more traditional and formal gestures, such as a gracious handshake. This approach not only preserves the formality expected of her role but also helps maintain a clear boundary between her public duties and personal life.

Morning Sickness Becomes Public Domain

Morning sickness due to pregnancy is a condition that is often made public, and this was the case for Kate Middleton during all three of her pregnancies. Kate experienced severe morning sickness, necessitating clinical intervention. When a member of the royal family, such as Kate, faces acute morning sickness, it is usually disclosed to the public.

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The royal family generally does not keep such health issues private when they are of public interest. This transparency ensures that the public is informed about significant health matters affecting royal family members, reflecting a balance between privacy and the public's right to know about issues that may impact their well-being and duties.

Modest Look

In addition to adhering to a modest dress code, Kate is expected to avoid leading a trendy lifestyle and staying abreast of the latest fashion trends. Her wardrobe should consist of classic, timeless pieces to preserve her dignity and the royal family's esteemed image.

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Eccentric hairstyles are also discouraged, as they can make her look overly trendy. Royal styling tradition dictates that Kate should maintain a neat and understated appearance, ensuring her style remains elegant and appropriately reserved.

Do Not Dress in Fur

The prohibition against fur clothing within the royal family is a deeply entrenched tradition dating back over 700 years to the reign of King Edward III. This rule was instituted to ban the use of “hairy” garments, and it remains a steadfast part of royal dress codes to this day. As a result, Kate must strictly avoid incorporating any fur into her wardrobe.

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This guideline ensures that royal attire aligns with the family’s values and historical customs. It reflects a commitment to maintaining traditional standards of dignity and propriety. Kate’s clothing choices must adhere to this rule, which means selecting garments made from alternative materials that meet the royal standards.

Black Attire for Bereavement

Every British Royal is required to have a black outfit specifically for use during periods of bereavement. This tradition mandates that royal family members wear dark colors to signify mourning when a loved one dies, a practice rooted in European customs dating back to Roman times.

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Even when traveling abroad, royals must pack several all-black garments to ensure they can adhere to mourning protocols upon their return. This practice ensures that they are prepared to observe the appropriate customs and show respect during periods of loss, maintaining the solemnity and tradition associated with royal mourning.

Respect for the Cultures of Other Peoples

Kate Middleton is expected to show respect for other cultures during her travels on royal duties. As a representative of the royal family, she must honor her hosts and demonstrate cultural sensitivity wherever she goes. This respect can include wearing colors that align with the hosting country’s flag or national symbols.

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It is a gesture of appreciation and acknowledgment. Royals are always expected to engage thoughtfully and respectfully with people from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that their interactions reflect the values of respect and consideration.

Adhere to Cutlery Etiquette

Royal family members, including Kate, are required to follow precise dining etiquette. When using cutlery, they must hold their fork in the left hand and their knife in the right hand, adhering to traditional dining conventions. Maintaining a quiet dining atmosphere is crucial.

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The scraping of cutlery against plates is also prohibited, as it disrupts the elegance of the meal. These rules are part of a broader set of dining protocols designed to ensure that every meal is conducted with the utmost decorum and grace, reflecting the royal family's commitment to propriety and refinement in all aspects of their public and private lives.

Strong Handshake

All royals are required to give a firm handshake when greeting others, a standard protocol that every family member is trained to observe. The handshake should consist of two or three pumps with open palms, and the thumbs must be positioned facing downward.

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In addition, Kate and other royals are expected to initiate the handshake with members of the public rather than waiting for them to offer it first. This practice reflects the royal family's commitment to maintaining dignity and control in their interactions. By choosing who to greet and how they uphold their esteemed position and ensure that each encounter aligns with royal etiquette.

No Nicknames Inside the Palace

Within the palace, royal family members are expected to refrain from using nicknames and should address each other by their official titles and names. This rule is upheld both indoors and in private settings. Each member of the royal family has a specific name that is used for formal address.

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However, the use of nicknames by newspapers and media to refer to royal family members is acceptable and does not breach any protocol. This distinction allows for a degree of familiarity in public discourse while maintaining a formal address within the palace.

Can't Turn Your Back on the Monarch

As the supreme ruler and head of state, the Queen, and now the King, must be treated with utmost respect. Kate is required to never turn her back on the Monarch, as doing so would be considered disrespectful. When engaged in a conversation with the Monarch, Kate must remain attentive and cannot turn away.

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Even once the Monarch has finished speaking, Kate should wait until they have completed their remarks before walking away. This practice ensures that she demonstrates proper respect and deference to the reigning Sovereign at all times.

A Commitment to Royal Etiquette

All royals are required to prioritize royal etiquette and attend private lessons to master various aspects of proper behavior. This training is essential for understanding and adhering to the rules of royal conduct.

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Kate’s children are also expected to undergo private lessons to ensure they grasp the nuances of royal etiquette from a young age. There is no flexibility regarding these rules within the royal family. Kate is responsible for encouraging her children to adopt and maintain acceptable behavior, upholding the high standards of royal decorum.

Rules to Follow for Christmas

The British royal family observes specific traditions when it comes to Christmas. Unlike the tendency for lavish gifts seen elsewhere, the Monarch prefers a more modest approach to holiday presents. Gifts should be chosen with genuine affection, rather than a desire to impress.

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An important rule that Kate must follow is that all Christmas gifts can only be opened on Christmas Eve. There is no allowance for early gift-opening, regardless of the circumstances. This practice helps to maintain the festive and orderly spirit of the occasion within the royal household.

A Young Prince's Dress Code

In a curious royal tradition, male heirs under eight years old are expected to wear shorts, not trousers. This custom, rooted in aristocratic notions of propriety, deems long pants on young boys as unrefined. The transition to trousers at age eight marks a symbolic step towards manhood in royal circles.

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As a mother to two princes, Kate must navigate this sartorial rule. This seemingly trivial dress code underscores the weight of tradition in royal child-rearing, blending historical customs with the public scrutiny faced by the modern monarchy.

Denim Dilemma

While not entirely banned, jeans occupy a precarious position in the royal wardrobe. Kate must navigate a nuanced dress code that allows for denim but with caveats. The rule of thumb: moderation is key. Casual jeans are acceptable but only for appropriate, more relaxed occasions.

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This guideline reflects the royal family's delicate balance between maintaining tradition and embracing modernity. Kate must discern when jeans are appropriate, reserving them for casual outings or specific events where a more relaxed image is desired.

Restriction on Royal Sex Reveal Celebrations

Different celebrities often host elaborate parties to announce their unborn child's sex but such events are strictly prohibited for royal families. The gender of a royal baby-to-be is considered classified information until after the birth occurs. Royal protocol mandates that the ruling monarch must be the first to learn of the newborn's sex.

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This secrecy extends even within the royal family, with many members kept in the dark about the child's gender for months, waiting for the sovereign to be officially informed. This tradition underscores the importance of hierarchy and discretion within royal circles.

Dining Protocols

The royal household prioritizes security rigorously, including strict regulations on food consumption. Royal family members are prohibited from dining outside officially approved events. This policy aims to mitigate the risk of food poisoning by ensuring all consumables are vetted prior to royal consumption.

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Unlike the general public, royals such as Kate cannot spontaneously dine out at their discretion. This measure reflects the extensive precautions taken to safeguard the health and well-being of the royal family, emphasizing the unique constraints on their daily lives compared to ordinary citizens.

Royal Travel and Nuances

The royal family adheres to strict travel protocols, particularly regarding air travel. A key rule prohibits multiple heirs to the throne from sharing the same flight. This precaution is implemented to safeguard the line of succession in the unlikely event of a fatal accident. While Kate and William may travel together, they are not permitted to fly on the same aircraft as other heirs.

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This policy extends beyond air travel, as royals are also barred from embarking on any journeys not explicitly approved by the palace. These measures underscore the paramount importance placed on protecting the royal lineage and ensuring the safety of family members in all their movements.

When to Wear the Uniform

On significant occasions, royal family members with military service are required to don their respective uniforms. This rule applies to both Prince William and Prince Harry, given their army backgrounds. Such occasions include major life events like weddings and funerals, as well as other formal royal functions. As a result, Kate must coordinate with palace staff.

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It helps to ensure her husband's uniform is properly prepared and presentable for these events. This dress code not only honors their military service but also upholds tradition and formality in royal appearances. The practice underscores the intertwining of royal duties with military service, reflecting the family's long-standing connection to the armed forces.

50 Times Royals Proved They're Just Like Us With Their Hilarious Moments

Everyone is used to seeing members of the British royal family as very proper and strict. It seems that they always watch their every move and don't allow themselves to do anything unnecessary. But in reality, this is not entirely true, because they are just like people and are also subject to ordinary human emotions. We have made a selection of the funniest photos of royals for you.

A Friendly Eagle

In July 2015, Charles III and his wife Camilla visited a flower show in Sandringham. There, they befriended an eagle named Zephyr, who became the unofficial mascot of the Army Air Corps of England. For some time, the noblebird sat on the Prince of Wales' arm and played with him but then the unexpected happened.

1. A Friendly Eagle.jpg?format=webp@Prince Charles Nearly Clipped by Eagle's Wings/

The marshmallow suddenly took off, frightening the royals. Thanks to this, the camera managed to catch a very interesting and funny shot of the royals making grimaces. What can you do, we think that each of us could react so strangely to the behavior of such a large bird.

Greetings from Princess Charlotte

In the fall of 2019, Duchess Kate Middleton and her daughter Princess Charlotte attended The King's Cup regatta on the Isle of Wight (a sporting event in a series of sailing or rowing races). Then the girl noticed the photographer and stuck out her tongue.

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At first, this made Catherine laugh but then she probably remembered the royal protocol and reprimanded her daughter. This shot amused the audience incredibly and went viral. The little princess can be forgiven for everything, even such non-standard behavior.

Who is the Queen here?

There were many interesting moments in the life of Queen Elizabeth II. Some of them were captured on camera. We came across one of the pictures in which the monarch was caught in the company of her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The shot is notable for the fact that the Queen is feeding Donna the elephant a banana. The elephant takes it with its trunk from Her Majesty's hands.

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Elizabeth II stands very close to 7-year-old Donna, an Asian elephant, during the opening of the new Elephant Care Center at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo in Dunstable. In the photo, it seems that the elephant is shaking hands with the Queen, and she is bowing to her as if the real queen here is a giant animal and Elizabeth is ready to accept it.

Prince William Shows Off to the Press

Oh, it looks so cute. Prince William has demonstrated his impressive press relations skills at the age of just two. His Royal Highness took all the attention of the reporters who were present to document his second birthday.

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Even then, his charisma was simply off the charts and brought a lot of positive emotions to those around him. He probably inherited this public adoration from his mother, Princess Diana, who was simply adored and followed every step of the way.

Spice Girls Make Charles and Harry Blush

King Charles once blushed when Ginger Spice (Geri Halliwell-Horner) kissed him and allegedly pinched his buttock, rendering all his power and protocol useless in a wave of girlish power. Not only he was shocked but the entire royal court was shocked.

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Prince Harry also had memories of the Spice Girls when he looked like a classic awkward teenager surrounded by the iconic girl group at the age of 13 during his first-ever official visit to South Africa. The prince seemed to freeze when Victoria Beckham turned to him and hugged him.

Princess Diana Naps

Princess Diana received a rather unwelcome nickname after she was caught dozing off during a gala performance at London's Victoria and Albert Museum. Diana was then dubbed Sleeping Beauty and somewhat shamed in the press for her unroyal behavior.

6. Princess Diana Naps.jpg?format=webp@princesssdianaa/

However, later they apologized to her because they learned the true reason for this incident. It turned out that the princess was already carrying her first child, Prince William, under her heart, and pregnancy is often accompanied by lethargy and drowsiness in the early stages.

The Little Popcorn Thief

Hayley Hanson, wife of Paralympian David Hanson, and their 2-year-old daughter Emily were sitting with Prince Harry at the 2017 Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada. In a moment that went viral, the little girl was caught on camera stealing the prince's popcorn.

7. The Little Popcorn Thief.jpg?format=webp@GladysDLourdes/

The little girl sneaked tiny handfuls of popcorn from Princess Diana's son when he wasn't looking - and almost got away with it. Harry noticed this later and played a funny trick on her. In the end, he let the child share his treat for the duration of the game.


Yes, even Queen Elizabeth was caught in an awkward moment! The paparazzi are very perceptive and always catch all sorts of things - from important to funny. Their camera is clicking almost non-stop but thanks to this we get such funny photos.

8. Oops!.jpg?format=webp@Sunny-Singh-5026/

Queen Elizabeth has always been an example of sophistication and elegance. She carefully observed the royal protocol. But this time, she relaxed a bit and just forgot about it. This is how we got the epic photo of the Queen picking her nose.

Threats on Camera

During a trip to Australia in 2015, Camilla Parker-Bowles jokingly threatened Charles with a huge knife when they visited a winery in Seppletfield. It turned out to be a very funny photo, where Charles seems to be really worried about his life and turns away from Camilla.

9. Threats on Camera.jpg?format=webp@CamillaNoThankYou/

While she is smiling slyly, holding a huge knife in her hands. Of course, we all understand that it was a joke but we immediately wonder how often threats were made behind the scenes of the royal families and which of them were real.

George Has Fun

One day on the balcony during Queen Elizabeth's birthday celebrations, young Prince George was having fun with Savannah Phillips, the seven-year-old daughter of his cousin William Peter and his wife Autumn Phillips, who jokingly asked him to shut up and put her hand over his mouth.

10. George Has Fun.jpg?format=webp@xblade724/

Kids are kids, even if they come from a noble family and have a life of royalty ahead of them. They are always cheerful with their behavior and make others laugh. And this is very good because they will still have time to be adults and serious.

Prince Harry's Double Fall during a Polo Match in South Africa

It was a rough day for Prince Harry, who fell off his pony during a polo match in Sentebale, South Africa. The first time he fell headfirst was about 20 minutes into the game when his pony came to a stop. The fall seems to have been quite mild, as the prince didn't even drop it during the fall. He cushioned his fall with his hands and almost immediately got up and walked away.

11. Prince Harry's Double Fall during a Polo Match in South Africa.jpg?format=webp@Prince Harry Falls Off His Horse At A Charity Polo Match/

Then Harry changed ponies and immediately returned to the game. But it didn't end there. As the match was nearing its end, Harry fell again! As unlucky as he was with his falls, the prince seemed to come out of both unscathed. But that day, Harry's team, Sentebale, lost to the rival team, Royal Salute.  And we got this funny photo as a souvenir. 

Ready, Steady, Go!

Sometimes we do funny things without even thinking about it. We're lucky we don't have a camera following us, recording our every successful and unsuccessful move. The royal family was not so lucky. One day, Kate Middleton was photographed pulling up her pants with her legs wide open.

12. Ready, Steady, Go!.jpg?format=webp@expatbritinusa/

It looks very funny from the outside but in fact, many people do this when they have to compete, for example. It's nice to see the royal family using similar tactics to prepare for action. And it adds to their advantage. And we can only support them.

Funny Grimaces

When people cheer for their favorite team, they lose control of their faces. Emotions take over so much that they don't notice how they, start making funny faces. The British royal family are well-known sports fans who have been caught making funny faces while watching sports on camera.

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In the photo, members of the British royal family - Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles - cheer during the sack race at the Braemar Gathering festival in Braemar, Scotland, 2012. Each of them reacts to interesting sporting moments in their own funny way.

Smile in Any Unclear Situation

If you didn't already know how the royals comfort each other after a defeat, catch one of the most striking examples. King Charles consoles his son Prince William after he missed a basket during a wheelchair basketball game at a rehabilitation center for veterans.

14. Smile in Any Unclear Situation.jpg?format=webp@elliotwagland/

That day, William and Kate, along with Charles and Camilla, visited the Stanford Hall VA Medical Rehabilitation Center, met with patients and staff, and toured the gym and prosthetic workshop. Charles must have noticed that his son was upset and decided to cheer him up, and at the same time, he cheered us up.

Echidna Made Prince Harry's Day

When he was younger, Prince Harry was famous for his funny personality. He was a prankster who was often caught by the paparazzi at parties, either drunk or naked. But despite all his mistakes, his audience simply adored him and forgave him for everything.

15. Echidna Made Prince Harry's Day.jpg?format=webp@Carol-Robin-5/

This is all thanks to his cheerful and easygoing personality. Harry could always make people laugh and was not afraid to be funny. Photographers once caught him holding a boa constrictor named Spike during his visit to Australia in 2003. It was probably the first time the prince had ever seen such an animal in person, so he couldn't contain his emotions.

Favorite Horse Failed

In this photo, Queen Elizabeth is clearly not happy, and that is not surprising. This is her reaction after her horse, Carlton House, finished third in the Epsom Derby at Epsom Downs on June 4, 2011, in Epsom, England. This horse was the bookmakers' favorite to win the Derby but lost to Pour Moi.

16. Favorite Horse Failed.jpg?format=webp@DailyMirror/

The restrained queen tries not to show her emotions in the photo but they still break through from within. She presses her lips together and looks very unhappy at her horse and its rider. We hope that after this loss the horse did not lose its royal place in the stable.

The Funny Heir to the Throne

Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge at the time of the photo, was brought up in strict customs and traditions. He strictly follows all the rules of protocol, because he knows that he has to inherit the royal throne, so he has to be a role model for the public. But he can also be emotional.

17. The Funny Heir to the Throne.jpg?format=webp@The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in California - in pictures/

William was quite relaxed while talking to Nicole Kidman. The cameras captured his funny expression at the BAFTA Brits To Watch 2011 event in Los Angeles. He was sharing a joke with Nicole Kidman and gesturing very actively.

Is Kate Middleton a Harry Potter Fan?

Who doesn't love Harry Potter? It's hard to stay indifferent to this magical series. After all, it's about childhood and all sorts of miracles that are sometimes so lacking in life. This series is fascinating in a non-kid way why not?

18. Is Kate Middleton a Harry Potter Fan?.jpg?format=webp@walesarchive/

As it turned out, Kate Middleton is also not indifferent to Harry Potter. She once had a lot of fun during a tour of Warner Brothers studios. She even managed to conjure up a famous character with her wand. It seems that the wife of Prince William quickly got into the role.

Prince William Knows a Lot About Yoga

Who needs Lululemon butt shorts? Not Prince William. While we're all trying to do a side crunch in Lululemon shorts, Prince William proves he's a real yogi by doing some poses in white jeans because of course he can do it. The Prince Charming proved he's not afraid of grass stains when he kicked off his shoes and lay down on the ground to do yoga poses.

19. Prince William Knows a Lot About Yoga.jpg?format=webp@Prince William flawlessly does yoga in white jeans because he can/

This happened during during warm-ups for a charity match at the Audi Polo Challenge in Berkshire, England. His Team Audi Ultra teammates, professional polo players Luke and Mark Tomlinson and William Melville-Smith, joined him and repeated a few moves as well. 

Time to Scream

Prince Louis, son of Kate Middleton and Prince William, certainly knew how to draw maximum attention during Trooping the Colour in 2022. He has long been known for his funny antics during royal appearances. Louis makes faces, sticks out his tongue, or covers his ears, which amuses the public.

20. Time to Scream.jpg?format=webp@dailystar/

We don't judge him at all, as he is still a child and lacks the stamina to endure the entire event. The boy naturally wants to play with other children during such times. Instead, we get cool memes and interesting photos to remember the childhood moments of the little prince.


Kate got her heel stuck in a water grate - we've all been there! It happened when she and William, then the Cambridge couple, attended the Irish Guards parade in 2013. At the time, Kate was pregnant with her first child. And she had a hard time at that moment.

21. Stuck.jpg?format=webp@tryamochka/

This moment is both a little funny and sweet at the same time. The woman does not feel very comfortable when she gets her heel stuck somewhere. But the future queen came out of this situation with a smile. That's what she is - royalty and upbringing.

Take Two!

We're not sure exactly what Prince Harry heard at that moment but whatever it was, it must have been pretty shocking! He splashed water on Nacho Figueras at the 2nd Annual Veuve Clicquot Manhattan Polo Classic on Governors Island. A very awkward moment.

22. Take Two!.jpg?format=webp@TheOnlyChris/

Of course, the brother of the heir to the throne got away with it. The shot turned out to be very sincere and friendly. After all, wherever you are with a good friend, you can always have a good laugh and be yourself no matter what.

When She Pretended William Was Strangling Her

The Princess of Wales and Prince William, then still the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, were watching a swimming competition, where it was very hot that day. Kate took off her blazer and put on a sleeveless top, while her husband and another fan tried to help her cool down.

23. When She Pretended William Was Strangling Her.jpg?format=webp@Duchess Kate, Prince William at Commonwealth Games: See their 5 best faces/

Kate was helped to cope with the heat by her husband and a Games volunteer who tried to create a breeze in the stands. In the photo, it looks as if Prince William is strangling her, and she is pretending to be a silent victim, squeezing out a barely noticeable smile. The royals are quite the jokers.

Sleeping at the State Level

Queen Elizabeth was almost always on high alert during public appearances but the fact that her eldest son was a prince didn’t stop him from regularly falling asleep at state events. In the photo, Elizabeth looks at Charles with the kind of resigned disappointment only a mother can feel for a child she knows will never change.

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Unlike the Queen, who loved attending races, Prince Charles wasn’t fond of such events, which is likely why he often dozed off during them. Sources close to the royal family said it sometimes took several minutes to wake the prince. Now that Charles has become king, he has yet to fall asleep on the throne. Perhaps Charles has worked on this habit and learned his lesson.

Happy Holiday

The childhoods of royalty are full of the same fun childhood memories as those of ordinary people. As well as learning strict rules and protocols, children in the royal family also have plenty of fun. Prince Charles (left) and Princess Anne (right) loved to play pranks together.

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Once, as children, they were buried up to their necks by Prince Philip on Holcombe Beach, and then filmed it and took several photos. Queen Elizabeth was present and took pictures of the children with her husband. One of the Queen's favorite corgis was also in the photo.

The Cutest Royal Victory Dance

During a visit to a homeless shelter in Glasgow, Kate Middleton took eight attempts before hitting the ball into the basket. But the princess did not lose her cool and when she hit the basket, she did her funny victory dance, which made everyone laugh.

26. The Cutest Royal Victory Dance.jpg?format=webp@Well Played, Kate Middleton/

Being a future queen is not just about performing your duties perfectly and following protocol. It is also the ability to win the love of your subjects through a good attitude and good jokes. Such things immediately relax and give a lot of pleasant impressions.

Couldn't Resist the Temptation

Even a natural-born member of the royal family can't resist the temptation of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). The crown prince was caught stopping by a KFC store during an official trip. KFC representatives couldn't resist the news.

27. Couldn't Resist the Temptation.jpg?format=webp@KFC_UKI/

The official KFC account couldn't help but react: William quietly whispered to himself: ‘Oh, I just can't wait to be winged.’ And we understand him very well. You can't always be very restrained and eat only proper royal food all the time.

Prince Philip Pretends to be a Bodyguard, and She Laughs at It

Prince Philip enjoyed the Queen's constant pranks and funny comments to relieve the boredom of having to look ‘royal’ all the time while watching the event. But one day he dressed up as a bodyguard and said hello when Elizabeth passed by. When the Queen realized it was her husband, she laughed. She found the joke very funny. 

28. Prince Philip Pretends to be a Bodyguard, and She Laughs at It.jpg?format=webp@Steven-Caddens/

The playful dynamic between Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth was well-known and beloved by those who witnessed it. Despite the formal and often rigid expectations placed upon the royal family, Philip's antics served as a delightful reminder of their humanity and the genuine affection they shared.

Intimate Moment

You can't hide anything from the paparazzi. Prince Andrew is known for his scandalous reputation due to his relationship with minors and his friendship with Weinstein, and after the scandal, he did not stop having affairs with young girls, though they were already adults.

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Once, he was secretly filmed by the paparazzi with 25-year-old model Alexandra Escat, who was vacationing with him on a yacht. The prince asked her to rub suntan lotion on his body. The shot of him putting his hands on his own chest looks rather ambiguous.

Kate Middleton Plays Cricket in Heels in New Zealand

Kate Middleton once visited a New Zealand sports field and tried her hand at cricket. And everything would be fine but she was dressed in a red skirt suit and black high-heeled shoes. This was not at all in keeping with the uniforms worn in this sport. On the field, she wielded a yellow bat and swung at her husband, Prince William.

30. Kate Middleton Plays Cricket in Heels in New Zealand.jpg?format=webp@ESPNcricinfo/

The prince hit three out of four balls. And Kate had to duck more than once to avoid being hit in the forehead by the ball. Surprisingly, the princess managed to play on the cricket field in such an outfit. In any case, she is already a winner for us. It would be interesting to see William in such a costume if he could get away with it.11

They Went Down this Path!

Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, has turned the royal family upside down since she joined, breaking the rules and conventions left and right for a more relaxed, American approach to life. And it looks like she and Harry have managed to create their perfect tandem.

31. They Went Down this Path!.jpg?format=webp@HGTudorKTN/

Usually, she and Harry manage to keep it together but there was a moment during their visit to Sussex when they were caught wasting time, pointing at seemingly nothing and making silly faces. We don't know what the joke was but we'd love to find out!

From the Joy of Scoring a Goal to the Sadness of the Final Result

Prince William and his son Prince George attended the Euro 2024 soccer final, where England competed against Spain. That day, they had a blast and showed a full range of emotions - from joy when their team scored a goal to sadness when their opponents won.

32. From the Joy of Scoring a Goal to the Sadness of the Final Result.jpg?format=webp@katemiddletonprincessofwales/

How much the son and the father resemble each other, and it's not just about their appearance but also about their emotions and gestures. They involuntarily react in the same way and do so very emotionally. It was incredibly interesting to watch them that day.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

For the second year in a row, Princess Charlotte, along with her mother, Kate Middleton, has attended the Wimbledon tennis tournament. It seems both of them simply adore this sport. It's not surprising, as the Princess of Wales has been playing tennis regularly since her college years, and she has clearly introduced her daughter to the sport as well.

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However, the point is different here. The mother and daughter have the same reactions during the tournament, and this is very intriguing. They even seem to make faces at the same time. I wonder if this is genetically transmitted or developed over the years when the child watches her mother and tries to copy her.

A Royal Appetite

We all have foods that we simply cannot stand. Even the sight of them makes us sick. It turns out that the Queen of England is just as repulsed by food she doesn't like as the rest of us. And really, why force yourself to eat something you don't like?

34. A Royal Appetite.jpg?format=webp@QueeniesStillGotIt/

When Queen Elizabeth was offered the two foods she hated the most in the world, this was her reaction. She didn't even need to tell her butlers to send them back because the look on her face spoke for itself. And we can see it clearly in the photo.

We are all Falling!

Kate Middleton looked like the epitome of elegance when she appeared at the opening of the Royal Ascot Races in a Stunning White Lace Gown Reminiscent of Her Wedding Dress. But when she and William rode in the traditional horse-drawn carriage Sophie, Countess of Wessex, almost fell right onto her. But Kate was not confused.

35. We are all Falling!.jpg?format=webp@Marie33Rowan/

She made this cheerful, though not at all royal, expression as she caught her mother-in-law. This photo is proof that Kate is an ordinary, good-natured woman who knows how to laugh at any awkward moment. A good sense of humor helps not only ordinary people but also royals, adding extra points to their karma.

Princess Beatrice's Hat Takes Center Stage

Many iconic facts from Prince William and Kate Middleton's 2011 wedding deserve a place in the history books but one member of William's family almost found himself in the spotlight - which could have been quite awkward. 

36. Princess Beatrice's Hat Takes Center Stage.jpg?format=webp@Royal Wedding Style: Comparing Guests' Fashionable Looks/

Any bride or groom knows how awkward it is when someone tries to overshadow your big day but Princess Beatrice was unexpectedly in the spotlight when she appeared in the infamous Philip Treacy sculpted hat and literally became a meme that went viral.

Eyes do not Deceive

Prince Charles, it turns out, has an eye for women but only with his gaze, as his heart remains devoted to his one and only, Camilla. One day he was inspecting the troops who had just returned from Afghanistan and the camera caught a very interesting look and gesture of the head of Great Britain.

37. Eyes do not Deceive.jpg?format=webp@Tuttar/           

The King among warriors saw a woman and focused his gaze on her chest, playfully smiling. The woman returned his smile. The moment was very interesting and unusual - one that evokes exclusively good emotions.

It Could Have Been Royally Messy!

King Charles's wife, Camilla, narrowly avoided disaster when she joined Dame Judi Dench on a visit to Queen Victoria's former holiday home on the Isle of Wight. The two women decided to have ice cream but something went wrong.

38. It Could Have Been Royally Messy! .jpg?format=webp@HrmQueene/

In the heatwave that gripped the UK, Camilla seemed unable to cope with her frozen treat. She was struggling to keep the vanilla ice cream clot from dripping onto her white dress. Luckily, Dame Judy came to the rescue and offered a napkin for her to wipe off.

Charlotte Finds True Love in a Balloon Arch

As soon as her little feet touched the ground, Princess Charlotte had one and only one mission: to touch as many balloons as possible. The almost 17-month-old girl started by taking turns hitting and hugging the balloons and then tried to lift the entire arch of pastel-colored balloons.

39. Charlotte Finds True Love in a Balloon Arch.jpg?format=webp@The 7 Insanely Cutest Moments from George and Charlotte's First Public Playdate/

Her enthusiasm was contagious; even her older brother George joined in on the balloon royalty. Children are like that. When you admire their mischief, you have an irresistible desire to join them and enjoy simple things in the same way.

Adorable Mike in His Wife's Hats

A few years ago, Mike Tindall, husband of Princess Anne's daughter, Zara, caught the attention of royal fans when he started posting photos of himself wearing his wife's hats during the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Later, he decided to continue this tradition, which was so popular with the public.

40. Adorable Mike in His Wife's Hats.jpg?format=webp@Mike Tindall reveals reason for Prince Louis's mischievous antics at Queen's Platinum Jubilee/

The next time he repeated his experiment with Zara's hats was at the Epsom and Royal Ascot races. In addition, he invited fans to guess which color his wife would wear next. Mike, don't stop, you know how to make not only the royal family but also ordinary people laugh, keep it up!

Kate, is that You?

As soon as the paparazzi found out that the heir to the British throne was dating Kate Middleton, all attention turned to her. She was literally chased and followed every step of the way. Of course, there were some bad shots but where could you go without them?

41. Kate, is that You?.jpg?format=webp@Sophie-Oldfield-4/

Once, photographers caught Kate leaving the house while she was taking out the trash. She looked very funny in the photo. At first glance, you can't even tell that she is the future queen. But this is just a plus, which means that any girl always has a chance to find her prince.

Princess Margaret Never Missed a Moment     

There have been many scandals in the modern royal family but none of them can be compared to the "wild child" Princess Margaret. She made fun of Liz Taylor, had fun with Mick Jagger, and slept with any man she liked. She just lived the way she wanted to live.

42. Princess Margaret Never Missed a Moment .jpg?format=webp@Inside Princess Margaret’s life as the ‘original royal wild child’/

It seemed that during her 71 years of life, Princess Margaret was rarely a magnet for scandals. In this photo from 1957, Margaret (left) is playing with a friend. The girls are fooling around and making faces. That was the princess, she just loved to break the rules and ignore the comments.

Harry Rushing to the Rescue

On the last day of their latest royal tour to Morocco, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited various artisan shops run by social entrepreneurs in the capital Rabat. One of the craftsmen gave Meghan a necklace, putting it on her head so she could wear it while visiting other shops.

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It turned out to be a funny photo when Harry lifted his wife's hair when she put on the jewelry. At that moment, it looked like he was pushing her head to make her bow. But if this had happened in reality, Meghan would hardly have smiled. Most likely, the Duchess would have quickly responded to her husband's behavior.

What's Under Your Kilt, Daddy?

At first glance, you might think that father and son are just enjoying their time together while the future King of England is fly-fishing on the riverbank. But upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that Prince Harry is lifting his father's kilt in a moment of innocent curiosity.

44. What's Under Your Kilt, Daddy?.jpg?format=webp@_duchess_of_sussex/

The photo was taken in 1988 during a family holiday at the Queen's estate in Balmoral, Scotland. Prince Harry was about to turn four years old, and he was probably tired of watching his father trying to catch salmon, so he decided to cheer up both himself and his father. It looks like little Harry succeeded.

All Eyes on Louis

During Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee, little Prince Louis was very restless, and no wonder, as he was only four years old at the time. The adorable photos show him squirming and refusing to cooperate for the sake of his mother, Kate Middleton. Several times he stuck his tongue out, distracted by his cousins sitting behind him.

45. All Eyes on Louis.jpg?format=webp@gabriellas_tss/

And then he even covered his mother's mouth when she gently tried to curb his behavior - moments that are familiar to anyone who has ever cared for a young child. At one point, William and Kate are having a discussion, and then Louis runs along the seats to sit with his grandfather, then still a prince, now King, Charles, who manages to entertain him for a while.

See the Funny Side

Queen Camilla once found herself trapped in her own umbrella after being hit by a gust of wind. It was so funny that even her aides couldn't help but smile. It seems that after they helped her out, she had a little laugh at herself.

46. See the Funny Side.jpg?format=webp@Will I become Queen? You never know! Camilla's admission to curious girl/

In such cases, it's a good thing that there are photographers nearby, ready to capture a delicious shot that has every chance of going viral. I wonder if Camilla herself has seen this photo? We hope she and Charles had a good laugh.

Awkward Royal Moment at the Wedding

Kate Middleton was caught on camera at an awkward moment at her royal wedding to Prince William. A photo of her kneeling in front of Prince William on the balcony of Buckingham Palace began to circulate on social media a few hours after the wedding.

47. Awkward Royal Moment at the Wedding.jpg?format=webp@Facso/

People immediately picked it up and started commenting. They said it was Kate's first royal "job" or royal duty. In the photo, William is holding her head and saying something. Probably, the princess just dropped something and decided to pick it up but the moment turned out to be a bit awkward in the photo.

Shameless Mike

Despite all the restrictive protocols, royals often break them, sometimes without thinking about it. For example, photographers caught Mike Tyndall brazenly putting his hand on his wife Zara's buttocks in public when they attended Ladies' Day at Royal Ascot.

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But is it so scary if her own uncle, King Charles, has fooled around with his wife at events more than once? The paparazzi caught Camilla putting her hand on his buttocks, and that was when he was King. So, what can be the complaints about his niece's husband?

Prince Charles Climbs the Wall...

The Prince of Wales tried out a climbing wall at a new gym in the Channel Islands. It looked both ridiculous and funny at the same time. Before that, one could imagine one of his sons doing it, or Kate Middleton but not the King in his venerable age and status.

49. Prince Charles Climbs the Wall....jpg?format=webp@monarchism/

But it turns out that nothing is impossible for the King. He can not only deal with state affairs but also overcome peaks and conquer new horizons. Perhaps this is exactly how fearless we want the King to be, and he sets a good example by his actions.

Playful Wind Flirted with Kate

Kate Middleton, when she was still the Duchess of Cambridge, once found herself in a very awkward situation. A mischievous wind began to flirt with her dress and lift it up so that we could see the cheeks of her buttocks. And what?

50. Playful Wind Flirted with Kate.jpg?format=webp@Sophie-Oldfield-4/

Perhaps for some nerds, this is the height of indecency but more than half of the royal family's fans believe that Kate is not to blame and that she has a beautiful figure and has nothing to be ashamed of. Moreover, she has brought back the beauty and glamour that the House of Windsor lacked after Diana's death. And like it or not, this is big business for Britain.